BHTA have brought together some of the major wheelchair service providers to ensure that, while the NHS is under extreme pressure,
the needs of wheelchair users are fully supported.
If you are a wheelchair service customer and having difficulties obtaining service and maintenance support for your product, BHTA
members will bring their combined resources together to respond urgently and help.
Many of the challenges wheelchair services and wheelchair users are experiencing are replicated across the country. Where there may
be hot spots or shortfalls in services the group will look to see how they can support any specific areas that need their assistance.
The BHTA group will be liaising with other Wheelchair Groups and regional in-house services to try to mitigate wheelchair user’s
problems with ongoing assessments, deliveries, service and maintenance.
The BHTA group are keen to support users that are just being issued with products for hospital discharge and for others, whose
conditions are changing and need to be assessed as part of their ongoing clinical needs.
If you require assistance, please click on the link below and scroll over the map to find the nearest provider to you. Please do not
hesitate to contact the nearest one, who may appear to be some distance from you, as many BHTA providers cover wide areas for
wheelchair services.
Retailers who may be able to assist are shown in light green – their services will not be free of charge unless they are able to provide warranty cover – check when contacting them”
Find your nearest provider by Clicking Here