David Beavis, Chair of the British Healthcare Trades Association’s (BHTA) Beds & Support Surfaces Section, outlined how the BHTA and tissue viability nurses can work together to improve patient care at this year’s Tissue Viability Society (TVS) Conference.
In his session on the 24th September, David reflected on the TVS mission statement and how this not only resonates with him personally, but also how these values are shared by the BHTA as well. In particular, both organisations’ dedication to disseminating information and championing good clinical practice.
With over 100 years’ experience, 12 sections and 400 plus members, the BHTA is committed to raising product and service standards, supporting the sector, and promoting ethical trading. David highlighted that through their combined efforts and knowledge, tissue viability nurses and the BHTA can work holistically to improve patient care.
David also signposted to the wealth of free resources that the BHTA has available for healthcare professionals, such as its range of useful guidance documents, covering topics such as pressure ulcer prevention, healthcare mattress cleaning and care, and advice on choosing the right healthcare mattresses. He also noted the BHTA’s helpful Get Wise range of leaflets, providing information to professionals on a range of topics, including pressure ulcer prevention in sitting.
David finished his session by issuing an invitation for professionals to join him and his section at their regular section meetings to advise, contribute and share information around product issues and improvements. For tissue viability nurses interested in collaborating with the BHTA’s Beds and Support Surfaces Section, please contact bhta@bhta.com
To watch the full video of David’s session, please see below: