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David Beavis to introduce tissue viability clinicians to the BHTA this September

Last Updated on 25/01/2022 by

David Beavis - TVS website img

David Beavis, Chair of the British Healthcare Trades Association’s (BHTA) Beds & Support Surfaces Section, will give tissue viability specialists insight into the association at the Tissue Viability Society Conference this year.

In his session at 11:30am on 24th September, David will explore the benefits to tissue viability professionals of collaborating with our BHTA members to improve patient care in the sector. 

Healthcare professionals attending David’s presentation will gain knowledge of the BHTA and how we help patient care, what free publications and resources are available to aid tissue viability nurses, and explore opportunities of how we can collaborate.

Having worked alongside tissue viability clinicians for over 25 years, David understands the unique challenges that tissue viability specialists face and how collaborating with industry to help overcome them.

Join David as he discusses the BHTA, our CTSI-approved Code of Practice and our extensive, helpful resources for healthcare professionals.

Sign up to hear David’s conference

About the presenter: David is the Director of MediSmart Technologies, Chair of the BHTA’s Beds & Support Surfaces Section, and interim Chair of the BHTA’s Pressure Care Seating & Positioning Section. Find him on LinkedIn

Published: 4th August 2021