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Life Science Industry Accredited Credentialing Register

Last Updated on 05/02/2020 by steveperry

NHS England has been working with the health system and industry partners to develop a method for ensuring life sciences industry personnel access secondary care settings within our agreed standards, – a process referred to as ‘credentialing’. This has culminated in the launch, and accreditation by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), of the Life Science Industry (LSI) accredited credentialing register. The Register sets out national standards to support the safety of patients and staff and maximises the quality and efficiency of NHS-industry interactions. It is free to use by the NHS and is funded, on a not-for-profit basis, by industry. This system will allow Trusts to be assured that industry representatives meet the standards jointly agreed with the NHS, that the representative has the appropriate competency to do their job, to maintain patient safety and safeguarding requirements in line with an approved Code of Conduct. We would urge you to utilise the LSI accredited credentialing Register as part of good governance arrangements. A PSA accredited credentialing Register provides a level of assurance that is not available elsewhere through any other system.

Further information is available at

Information about the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) is available at