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Pressure Ulcer Treatment vs. Fire Risk: A Case Discussion

Last Updated on 05/08/2024 by Millie York

Date: 21 August 2024
Time: 2pm – 3pm


Event contacts:
Kathryn Vaughan
Membership Engagement Manager

Join us for BHTA’s Pressure Ulcer Treatment vs. Fire Risk: A Case Discussion

This presentation will discuss the risk of a catastrophic fire when using powered mattresses and actions that can be taken to mitigate the risk.

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to

  1. Articulate the adverse outcomes associated with the development of a Category 4 pressure ulcer
  2. Recognise human factors which must be considered prior to providing a powered mattress to people who smoke
  3. Discuss potential intervention strategies and their effectiveness in minimising the risks associated with accidental dwelling fires. 
  4. Examine the role of individuals, and agencies, that are in contact with people at risk and how they can be employed to reduce the risk from fire.