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BHTA publishes new guidance to ensure defibrillators are ready to rescue

BHTA publishes new guidance to ensure defibrillators are ready to rescue

Experts from the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) First Aid Medical Equipment (FAME) Section have produced new guidance for guardians who are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of public access defibrillators in their workplace or community to ensure they are “ready to rescue”.

Public access automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are gradually becoming more available, particularly after the UK Government initiative to have them in every school. However, many are not properly maintained, and, in an emergency, this could mean that they are rendered useless.

Most of the time, these AEDs sit waiting for the potential to save a life, but it is important to regularly check them so that they are ready to rescue when the moments matter.

For those able to purchase a public access AED for their area/club, it is important that a guardian(s) is assigned to keep the pads, devices, and cabinets in a condition that enables them to save a life if they are ever called upon.

The BHTA FAME Section felt that it was important to raise awareness of the ease of these weekly checks that will ensure that their devices are ready to rescue if ever required.

As part of the section’s strategy last year, they worked together to produce the new guidance document, titled ‘Is your defibrillator ready to rescue?’.

Read this helpful defibrillator guidance here, where there is also the option to download it as a PDF.

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