Abacus Specialist Bathroom Solutions, in association with The OT Service, will be presenting its popular on-stand and theatre-based CPD sessions at the OT Show at the NEC in Birmingham on 22 and 23 November 2023.
Winner of the ‘best on-stand education’ at the 2022 OT Show, Abacus is a manufacturer of accessible baths for adults and children with disabilities. It is a member of the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA), adhering to the association’s recognised Code of Practice to ensure fair and ethical selling of healthcare products and services.
Part of the Gainsborough Healthcare Group, Abacus works closely with occupational therapists (OTs), bathers, and families to ensure positive bathing outcomes. Its Abacus Academy educational programme is available free to all healthcare professionals responsible for clinical reasoning in the accessible bathroom environment. OTs can benefit from free ‘Lunch ‘n’ Learn’ sessions, bath demonstrations, and client assessments thanks to the fleet of Abacus educational vehicles.
The ‘express’ Abacus Academy CPD presentations at the OT Show will be delivered by OT Louise Sharp:
Stand F25
22 November, 10.30–10.50am
23 November, 10–10.20am
The session will explore attachment theory and reflect specifically on the impact on children with a disability. It will discuss the impact of bathing on positive attachment and reflect on intervention plans that support the building of relationships and positive connection.
Stand F25
22 November, 1–1.20pm
23 November, 12.15–12.35pm
Bathing is often overlooked as a meaningful occupation. This session reflects on bathing assessments and challenges their client centredness. Louise will discuss purposeful and meaningful occupation, reflecting on why we bathe and how to address this in practice.
Stand F25
22 November, 2–2.20pm
23 November, 1.15–1.35pm
How often do OTs walk past a stand and think “they’re expensive so won’t be approved”? The term expensive relates to perception about an initial one-off cost, but what about the long-term impact of that spend?
This session looks to challenge the issue of cost, reflecting on the financial impact of equipment and adaptations. It focuses specifically on bathing and considers whether the installation of a specialist bath can justifiably be used to save money through care reduction and facilitation of health and well-being.
Innovation Theatre
22 November, 11.50 – 12.20pm
23 November, 11.20 – 11.50am
Moving and handling can often feel daunting, particularly for bathing, when the perceived risks created by the environment often lead to alternative recommendations. This session looks to break down some of those barriers, using clinical examples to reflect on scenarios and find realistic solutions, whilst supporting meaningful, occupational bathing through positive risk taking.
Visit the BHTA on stand J57 at the OT Show 2023 to find out more about the association and why buying from a BHTA member company increases consumer protection.