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Wallingford Accessible Boat Club Helped By BBC1 Countryfile Wheelyboat Promotion

Last Updated on 04/02/2020 by steveperry

  • Did you see it?  Check it out on Catch Up or BBC iPlayer

The Wallingford Accessible Boat Club (WABC) got a great boost last night when BBC1’s ever-popular Countryfile hit the screens.  The programme included an extended feature on the Wheelyboat, the wheelchair accessible boat that enables disabled people to get out and about on waterways.

The programme demonstrated the wheelyboat in action on the Menai Straits, North Wales, featuring the very model, the Coulam V20, that is heading to Wallingford later this year. Included was an impressive interview by a disabled wheelchair user, a waterways lover, who described the huge benefit and the freedom the wheelyboat had afforded him.  That’s what the wheelyboat brings – freedom on the water for disabled people.

John Jenkins MBE, Chairman of Trustees WABC, commented:  “We couldn’t have asked for better publicity.  It was a great watch and I am sure it will excite many of our supporters to see the opportunity that will hopefully come to Wallingford in the summer.  Now we just need to complete our fundraising and then we can place the order.  Whilst it has gone particularly well we still need to generate a further £15,000 to enable us to fully establish the WABC operation.  We ask all our friends in the local community to make one last push for us – any donation large or small via our website will be very gratefully received.  Or, you can now help us when you make online purchases via Amazon – sign up to AmazonSmile and search Wallingford Accessible Boat Club.  Every little helps!”