Last Updated on 26/05/2020 by steveperry
The APPG on Housing and Care for Older People organises an Inquiry every two years. These have often taken forward the work begun
by the Housing for an Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI); the last two inquiries have covered Rural Housing for an Ageing
Population (HAPPI 4) and Rental Housing for an Ageing Population (HAPPI 5) – All the recent APPG Inquiry reports can be found at:
There are currently around 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. This is projected to rise to
1.6 million by 2040. Two thirds of these are not living in residential care but in their own accommodation, and our study will consider
the policies and practices that can enhance independence and quality of life.
For 2020, the Officers of the APPG have decided to establish an Inquiry on “Housing for those living with Dementia”.
Launched on 13 May 2020, there will be four Inquiry sessions over the course of this year. Expert ‘witnesses’ will present at each session.
These will cover dementia-friendly design/development of new homes, changes and adaptations to existing properties, ongoing input of
care and support, including consideration of innovations in technological support. We intend to produce a report in March 2021 which:
Published: 22nd May 2020
Source: Housing LIN
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