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Lithium battery safety guidance

Like other products powered by rechargeable batteries, mobility scooters, powered wheelchairs, and homelifts increasingly feature lithium battery (Li Batt) technology. The British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) has been asked by its members to highlight safe practices for use, maintenance, and disposal of Li Batts.

Given Li Batts’ unique health and safety and environmental risks, the BHTA has published B2C guidance for all BHTA members to note for their own staff, and to provide to consumers (if they operate B2C). 

The guidance below contains important information about the different types of lithium batteries on the market; advice for retailers to pass on to their consumers about lithium battery charging, temperature considerations, battery maintenance, battery life expectancy, and battery disposal; the pros and cons of lithium batteries; among many other key safety points.

Click below to find out more about lithium battery safety guidance for retailers and consumersAlternatively, you can download the PDF version here.

The lithium battery safety guidance for businesses will be published here in the coming weeks.

Guidance for retailers and consumers

Guidance for businesses