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BHTA First Aid and Medical Equipment Section Launch New Video

Last Updated on 10/02/2020 by steveperry

The BHTA First Aid and Medical Equipment section (FAME) has launched a New Video to promote the Updated BS 8599-1:2019 first aid kits following to the changes in the British Standard launched in January of this year.

The video takes you through the range of First Aid kits available to meet the needs of a variety of application in the workplace.

Works Place First Aid Kits:

There are three kits that take into consideration high and low risk environments, linked to the staffing levels on the company worksite being used.

Travel and Motoring First Aid Kits:

Designed for use in motor vehicles across a range of cars, taxi’s, vans and other trucks.

Personal Injury First Aid Kits: NEW

For staff that are on the move, mobile workers and trained first aiders who need to respond away from a traditional workplace.

Critical Injury First Aid Kits: NEW

Specialist kits designed to bridge the treatment gap between severe bleeding and the arrival of emergency services. Includes haemostatic dressings and tourniquet.

If you look after your health and safety at work watch the video today and make sure you are meeting your

Obligations for First Aid kits.

The revised relaunched standard can be purchased at the BSi Shop:

If you want to contact a BHTA First Aid Supplier email:

Published: 14th August 2019