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Going the Extra Step: A Compendium of Best Practice in Dementia Care

Last Updated on 24/02/2020 by steveperry

Preventing unwanted isolation and loneliness for people with dementia living in housing with care.

The Housing Learning and Improvement Network used this year’s Dementia Action Week 2019 to gather and share examples of extra care schemes and other housing related community services supporting people with dementia to develop meaningful relationships.

These relationships can reduce social isolation and loneliness. The examples provided range from informal arrangements supported by staff or other residents to formal service provision.

This compendium brings those examples together in one place, along with further examples of best practice that we received during Dementia Action Week. Colleagues also told us about the fantastic work they were doing as Dementia Friendly organisations, and we have included a section of those examples as well.

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Published: 29th July 2019

Source: Housing LIN

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