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Register an Interest in the Trader Support Service

Last Updated on 10/08/2020 by Millie York

Find out how you can register an interest in the Trader Support Service and keep up to date with other changes due to the implementation
of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

At the end of the transition period when the Northern Ireland Protocol comes into force there will be changes to the way goods move between
Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

If your business is impacted by these changes, you may want to consider the Trader Support Service. It can help you if you:

  • move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or bring goods into Northern Ireland from outside the UK
  • act on behalf of someone to move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or bring goods into Northern
    Ireland from outside the UK
  • are based in Northern Ireland and receive goods from outside of Northern Ireland
  • send parcels between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or bring parcels into Northern Ireland from outside the UK,
    using Royal Mail or an express operator

The Trader Support Service will be free to use and will guide you through any changes to the way goods move between Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, and into Northern Ireland from outside the UK. You can also use it to get declarations completed on your behalf.
Further information is available for UK businesses moving goods into, out of, or through Northern Ireland.

To register an interest in the Trader Support Service, fill in the form below, save it, then email it to:

This will also help us identify businesses that currently move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Published: 7th August 2020

Source: GOV UK, HM Revenue & Customs

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