Last Updated on 13/05/2020 by steveperry
The main focus of the stoma care quality and cost effectiveness review is the stoma appliance service provided to patients in the community across Scotland.
The Specification of Requirements for Dispensing and Supply of Stoma Appliances to Patients in the Community for NHSScotland provides the national framework for the stoma appliance service in the community. It determines the service standards to be met by all dispensing appliance contractors (DACs) and community pharmacy contractors for the
purposes of being placed on a list of approved suppliers authorised to dispense and supply stoma appliances to patients in the community. It also sets out the ongoing standards to be met for the purposes of remaining on that approved supplier list. The specifications for the service were first introduced in 2007 and updated in July 2011.
This report details the findings and recommendations following a multi-layered national audit involving patients, NHS Board staff, DACs, community pharmacies and manufacturers designed and conducted during 2014-15. The purpose of the national audit was to gauge whether the arrangements for the provision of stoma appliance services in the community remain fit for purpose and cost effective. It would also help to inform whether and what changes may now be appropriate.