Last Updated on 04/02/2020 by steveperry
Theraposture, a respected specialist in adjustable cots for disabled children, will be demonstrating its approach to future proofed sleeping solutions with the help of Shaun Masters, Trusted Assessor and Occupational Therapist, at Kidz to Adultz Middle.
Thursday 21st March 2019, 9.30am – 4.30pm, Ericsson Exhibition Hall, Ricoh Arena,
Coventry CV6 6GE. Stand C4. Free entry and parking.
Theraposture has been a caring and ethical, family-run business since 1981. It provides one of the most comprehensive ranges of power-assisted care cots and beds for children with varying needs. Through an assessment led approach and the in-house expertise of an OT, Theraposture delivers positive outcomes for families, therapists and carers. Its quality, durable and cost effective equipment ensures safety, dignity and comfort are maximised for clients whilst variable height minimises the risk of back and muscle strain for carers. Theraposture is trusted by the charity Newlife to provide their Emergency Equipment Loan Service which can provide specialist care cots within 72 hours to children at risk of serious injury or with unstable life threatening/limiting conditions.
At Kidz to Adultz Middle, the popular assistive product and services exhibition provided by Disabled Living, Theraposture will be demonstrating its proven Mascot Mk2 cot and Theracare adjustable bed. The Mascot is the only, fully modular cot that can be adapted as a child’s needs change – hence negating the need to purchase a new product in the future. This represents significant cost savings and ensures a space-appropriate design is provided throughout the lifetime of the child. The Mascot incorporates multiple future-proofed features in particular, it is the only fully modular care bed that will allow conversion from 4-door (1 side) opening to 8-door (opening both sides). This is essential if care needs progress and access is required to both sides of the cot. The Mascot is available with variable height, mattress profiling and anti-/Trendelenburg functionality. If safety padding is required, Theraposture is renowned for handcrafting precision solutions so entrapment risks are eliminated – enhanced by the recent introduction of larger soft windows for greater visibility inside and out.
Shaun Masters, OT, will be on hand throughout Kidz Middle to discuss how therapists and families can make the considered choice of care cot. He will explain, from his experience, how the correct, future-proofed cot provides multiple benefits for the whole family. Shaun will be joined by fellow Theraposture Trusted Assessors and a representative from Newlife, the charity for disabled children – all ready to discuss individual requirements on a one-to-one basis.
Stand C4 will also include an example adjustable bed from the Theraposture Theracare range. Ideal for older children and young adults with less challenging or complex needs, this bed provides profiling and variable height along with an impressive range of specialist mattresses and accessories.