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BHTA presents… ‘How to get ahead in the race to Net Zero’

Last Updated on 03/03/2023 by Samantha Lewis

An understanding of the new public procurement requirements around Net Zero

Watch as expert consultant Sarah Joy Newton takes you through the important role that Net Zero plays in public sector procurement and tendering. Listen as she walks you through the current guidelines and requirements of the recent PPN06/21, outlines the recent roadmap from NHS England & Improvements, and highlights what action suppliers need to take.

Recorded: 8 March 2022 / Updated recording February 2023

BHTA presents… topic: How to get ahead in the race to Net Zero

Presenter: Sarah Joy Newton, Consultant at Amethyst Connect

Synopsis: This webinar provides members with an introduction to Net Zero requirements and the NHS, and a clear guide of the expectations from the NHS for suppliers.

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About the speaker

Sarah Joy Newton - Track My Carbon - Headshot

Sarah is a qualified nurse in adult and paediatric care, with an additional 15 years of excelling in the medical device industry. Sarah’s nursing and medical sales experience has given her a unique understanding and knowledge of the workings of the NHS and procurement, and she has established contacts and working relationships within the sector.

A particular area of expertise is the new public procurement requirements including social value, net-zero, labour standards, and modern slavery. Sarah works proactively with clients to implement and provide solutions to ensure they are able to successfully win tender bids. She is also an experienced tender bid writer, and ISO 9001 & 14001 internal auditor.

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