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Financial Help if you’re Disabled

Last Updated on 11/04/2022 by Charlie Lawrence

GOV UK‘s guidance on a wide range of disability-related financial support, including benefits, tax credits, payments, grants and concessions.

Some benefits you might get are:

  • Universal Credit
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Depending on your circumstances, you might also be able to get:

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Vehicles and transport

If you’re disabled you can apply for the following:

Home and housing

If you’ve been assessed by your local council as needing care and support services, you can get:

  • Direct payments – allowing you to buy in and arrange help yourself instead of getting it directly from social services
  • Disabled Facilities Grants – which is money towards the costs of home adaptations to enable you to continue living there

If you’re on a low income

You may be eligible for Universal Credit and could get help with housing costs.

If not, check if you’re eligible for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction from your local council.

Help if you’re employed

You may be able to top up a low salary by claiming Universal CreditIncome Support or Working Tax Credit.

You also might be able to get an Access to Work grant to pay for:

  • special equipment, adaptations or support worker services to help you do things like answer the phone or go to meetings
  • help getting to and from work
  • mental health support
  • communication support at a job interview (for example, a British Sign Language interpreter or a lipspeaker)

VAT relief on certain goods and services

You do not have to pay VAT on certain goods and services if they’re just for your own use and you’re disabled or have a long term illness.

Armed forces compensation

You may be able to get compensation if you’ve been injured or disabled while serving in the armed forces.

Disability and sickness benefits

Disability Living Allowance for children

Disability Living Allowance for children (DLA) is a tax-free benefit for children under 16 to help with the extra costs caused by long-term ill health or a disability.

Disability Living Allowance for adults

Personal Independence Payment is gradually replacing DLA for adults with long-term ill health or a disability. If you’ve reached State Pension age you can apply for Attendance Allowance instead.

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a tax-free benefit for people aged 16 or over who have not reached State Pension age. It can help with the extra costs caused by long term ill-health or a disability.

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a tax-free benefit for people who are State Pension age or over, have a disability and need someone to help look after them.

Employment and Support Allowance

You may be able to get Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you cannot work because of illness or disability.


Carer’s Allowance is extra money to help you look after someone with substantial caring needs.

You could also get Carer’s Credit so there will not be any gaps in your National Insurance record if you have to take on caring responsibilities.

Published: 10th February 2020

Source: GOV UK

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