When you’re looking to find the products and services you need, BHTA has some useful publications in our “Get Wise” series, that aim to give Healthcare Professionals valuable information, that can help you in your daily activities, or for sharing with colleagues.
Here is a selection of focused Get wise publications:-
Get wise to personal wheelchair budgets
Get wise to accessing wheelchair services
Get wise to preparing a child for an assessment for equipment or adaptations
Get wise to communicating with families
Get wise to good-seated posture
Get wise to pressure ulcer prevention in sitting
We also have a range of more in-depth publications produced in conjunction with our members and stakeholders in the healthcare arena.
Pressure Ulcers (BHTA guide to prevention and cash releasing savings)
Decontamination of Medical Devices
Help for Families (Your legal rights for getting help for your disabled child).
Protect rinse and Dry (BHTA guidance on the care, cleaning and inspection of mattresses) What lies beneath (BHTA guidance to assist in choosing and appropriate healthcare polyurethane foam mattress)
Main page for all Get wise publications: https://www.bhta.com/get-wise/
Main page for all section publications https://www.bhta.com/section-papers/
Published: 1st December 2020