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020 7702 2141

Find a Supplier

Once you know what products and services you need there are a couple of options for you to choose from at BHTA.

If you need to find where your nearest BHTA Mobility Retailer premises are, you can click the link below

Type in your Postcode, and if there is a retailer in your area the company name will appear with their address and contact details. If no immediate company name appears, click on the map link on the same page, and scroll over the UK map, to find the nearest one to you. Remembering many BHTA members travel some distances to see customers.

Find a local retailer in your area click here

If you are still having any problems finding someone local, please send us an email with a brief description of the product and services you are looking for, together with your location and we will search our members for you.


Published: 1st December 2020